Impact of fungicide selection on nitrogen utilisation

In low and high-pressure Septoria situations, investment in Revystar® XE is proven to improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency, yield, and economic return

Conclusions from contrasting seasons in 2021 & 2022

Adjusting nitrogen rate has minimal effect on the optimum fungicide choice

Investment in Revystar® XE:

  • mitigates lost yield if N rates are reduced
  • enhances nitrogen uptake from the soil
  • improves N utilisation, giving more nitrogen translocated to the grain

Revystar® XE is proven on both susceptible and resistant varieties to Septoria.

Nitrogen is fundamental to yield, and appropriate agronomy utilising proven inputs is crucial to enhancing the benefit of applied N, to maximise crop yield potential.

Considerations for N in Wheat crops?

Where does Revystar® XE fit if Nitrogen is limited?

ADAS research across two contrasting disease epidemics in 2021 and 2022 shows that Revystar® XE improves nitrogen use efficiency, is fundamental to building a healthy canopy, and increases economic return.

Learnings from 2022

A low disease pressure situation in Gleam at ADAS Rosemaund (11% untreated flag leaf septoria infection on 8th July)

  • Where disease pressure is low, the economic benefit of Revystar® XE is the same at any N rate
  • 1 l/ha Revystar® XE at T2 improves nitrogen use efficiency (from soil and fertiliser) from 34% to 36%:
    • Improved fertiliser uptake
    • Improved nitrogen translocation to the grain (utilisation efficiency)
  • Investment up to 1.5 l/ha Revystar® XE at T2 increased fertiliser uptake efficiency from 54% to 62%, improving crop biomass and total economic return to £109 / ha
  • Revystar® XE at T1 and T2 in combination with Comet 200 and Arizona, improved nitrogen use efficiency further

Learnings from 2021

By contrast in a situation where visual Septoria was low at the time of fungicide application but subsequenty developed rapidly after T2 (78% untreated flag leaf septoria infection on 10th July):

For any given rate of applied nitrogen, Revystar® XE outperformed a conventional fungicide across the two varieties studied.

  • Revystar® XE achieved:​​​​​
    • The same yield with a lower dose of N
    • Increased yield for any given rate of N
    • Improved economic margin of £70+ /ha vs Ascra® Xpro

If N application is reduced, optimising disease control with Revystar® XE maximises yield potential.

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to Revystar® XE contains mefentrifluconazole (Revysol®) and fluxapyroxad (Xemium®). Ascra® Xpro contains prothioconazole, bixafen and fluopyram. Arizona® contains folpet. Revystar® XE, Revysol®, and Xemium® are registered Trademarks of BASF. All other products are those of other manufacturers where proprietary rights may exist.

Revystar® XE

Revystar® XE is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, spelt wheat, winter barley, spring barley, winter oats, spring oats, winter rye, spring rye, winter triticale and spring triticale.

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