AgCelence® – Questions and Answers

What is AgCelence®?

AgCelence® is a brand name, which is derived from a combination of the words agriculture and excellence. AgCelence® refers to a product range that provides benefits above and beyond conventional crop protection methods. AgCelence® products boost plant health and vitality.

Why has BASF launched this brand?

The AgCelence® brand helps you to identify and understand BASF products which offer benefits beyond crop protection. AgCelence® underlines our commitment to this exciting approach which we are pioneering in many markets.

AgCelence® is not just a brand; it also embodies our philosophy which is to support our partners and customers by focussing on benefits for you as both growers and entrepreneurs.

What benefits do products with AgCelence® provide?

Based on physiological effects, AgCelence® products from BASF have proven benefits that go beyond normal crop protection concepts:

  • Higher yield
  • Increased stress tolerance and vitality
  • Improved marketable quality
  • Increased production efficiency

Are these benefits the same in all crops?

No, the benefits always depend on both the targeted crop and the local conditions.

BASF offers products only for specific crops where there is enough field experience to confirm the added value to the grower and/or value chain via AgCelence®.

How much higher are yields when AgCelence® products are used?

Yield increases vary depending on the crop and environmental conditions. To ensure optimum reliability for growers, BASF conducts extensive field trials around the world. These field trials allow us to make specific recommendations on a local basis so that growers get the best results.

For example, with our global field testing program we were able to demonstrate the yield benefits of AgCelence® products: On average, we observed yield increases of between 5% and 10% in row crops like corn, soybeans and cereals. These effects do not always occur in the same way but are generally stable.

Can you quantify the added value to the grower?

This varies greatly depending on the actual local situation and crop.

For example: Cabrio Duo®, an AgCelence® product which significantly increases the BRIX content in tomatoes used in Italy. Some companies in the ketchup industry offer higher prices per kg in recognition of the enhanced quality of tomatoes treated in this way.

Why should I purchase a product with AgCelence®?

AgCelence® products such as Opera® for corn and cereals or Cabrio Duo® for tomatoes not only provide excellent disease control in some crops they also increase yields and/or offer a better marketable quality.

For example, apples will contain more calcium and vitamins, tomatoes will have a higher BRIX value, and bananas will achieve longer post-harvest storage. AgCelence® can provide several additional benefits through various physiological effects.

As entrepreneurs, growers must make investment decisions in their fields every day. Learn how to grow greener, healthier crops and increase your profitability.

Does BASF conduct research and development in this segment?

BASF systematically analyses its portfolio of active ingredients for physiological effects which boost plant health. In addition, we are working to broaden our understanding of these benefits. On top of that, BASF provides a platform for researchers from different universities who are exploring physiological activities in different crops. BASF regularly publishes the results of this work.

BASF seeks to offer its customers innovative agrochemicals which provide optimum solutions for agriculture. With this is mind, we have also tailored our agrochemical research and development strategy to meet tomorrow’s demands.
