Nemasys® G

Nemasys® G is based on the beneficial nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and provides a rapid control of the larval stages of the Garden chafer in turf.

Nemasys® G

Nemasys® G is based on the beneficial nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and provides a rapid control of the larval stages of the Garden chafer in turf.


  • Easy to apply as a drench, through conventional spray equipment or irrigation systems
  • No restrictions in use and no re-entry interval
  • No concerns for residue runoff
  • Compatible with many soil-applied pesticides
  • Best service, product support and assurance from the market leader in terms of utilisation, application and timings

Product Details

Active ingredient(s)Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (82%)
FormulationPaste (PA)
Pack size50 million or 250 million
Area treated100 m2 (50 million pack) or 500 m2 (250 million pack)
Pest activityGarden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) (young larval stages)
Rate of application500,000 nematodes per m2
Frequency of applicationTwo applications with a two to four-week interval
Time of applicationWhen chafer grubs are feeding close to the soil surface, usually August/September
Water volume0.1 litre per m2 on application. Water in with no less than 3 litres per m2 immediately after application
Aquatic buffer zoneNone
Active ingredient(s)Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (82%)
FormulationPaste (PA)
Pack size50 million or 250 million
Area treated100 m2 (50 million pack) or 500 m2 (250 million pack)
Pest activityGarden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) (young larval stages)
Rate of application500,000 nematodes per m2
Frequency of applicationTwo applications with a two to four-week interval
Time of applicationWhen chafer grubs are feeding close to the soil surface, usually August/September
Water volume0.1 litre per m2 on application. Water in with no less than 3 litres per m2 immediately after application
Aquatic buffer zoneNone

Why Nemasys G?

How to get the best from Nemasys® G:

  • Apply when soil temperature is between 12-30 oC
  • Use immediately on receipt of packs or refrigerate at 5oC (do not freeze)
  • Avoid application in direct sunlight; nematodes are uv-sensitive, so apply on a dull day or in the evening
  • Cut the grass short before application and consider scarification in turf with excessive thatch
  • Apply when the soil under the turf is moist
  • Use within expiry date
  • Use the entire pack and do not store stock solution or diluted product
  • Make a stock solution as directed on the label, making a paste in the first instance and then adding remainder of the water, to avoid lumps forming; this solution should be mixed thoroughly to ensure nematodes are well dispersed and kept agitated
  • Application is as a soil drench via boom sprayer, knapsack, lance or sprinklers, selecting the nozzle to give a coarse spray; the nozzle aperture should be greater than 0.5 mm
  • Remove all fine filters (50 mesh or smaller) from the application equipment
  • Partially fill tank with water, add stock solution, fill with water to the required level and maintain agitation
  • Do not exceed 300 psi/20 bar/2000 kPa pump pressure
  • Irrigate the turf thoroughly after application to wash the nematodes into the soil and keep the soil moist for at least two weeks after application

Disclaimer: photo kindly provided by Ward Stepman
