
Shooter® is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of black-grass, annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley.


Shooter® is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of black-grass, annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley.


  • Particularly effective for black-grass control and the control of broad-leaved weeds
  • Low risk formulation, particularly useful where there is resistance to ALS inhibitors
  • Pendimethalin complements the grass weed activity of flufenacet
  • Strong pre-em allows flexibility for the post-em follow-up

Product Details

Active ingredient(s)60 g/l flufenacet & 300 g/l pendimethalin
FormulationEmulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Pack size10 litres in outers of two
Crop(s)Winter wheat and winter barley
Weed spectrumA range of broad-leaved and grass weeds, including black-grass, annual and rough meadow grass, Italian and perennial ryegrass, loose silky bent, sterile brome, cleavers, chickweed, corn marigold, fat hen, forget-me-not, henbit and red dead nettle, orache, knotgrass, pansy, poppy, mayweeds, parsley piert, red dead nettle, scarlet pimpernel, shepherd’s purse, smooth sowthistle, common field and ivy-leaved speedwell (for full list see label)
Maximum individual dose4.0 litres per hectare
Maximum total dose4.0 litres per hectare
Latest time of applicationBefore third tiller stage (GS 23) of the crop. Do not apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November.
Water volume200 litres per hectare
Aquatic buffer zoneLERAP B
Active ingredient(s)60 g/l flufenacet & 300 g/l pendimethalin
FormulationEmulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Pack size10 litres in outers of two
Crop(s)Winter wheat and winter barley
Weed spectrumA range of broad-leaved and grass weeds, including black-grass, annual and rough meadow grass, Italian and perennial ryegrass, loose silky bent, sterile brome, cleavers, chickweed, corn marigold, fat hen, forget-me-not, henbit and red dead nettle, orache, knotgrass, pansy, poppy, mayweeds, parsley piert, red dead nettle, scarlet pimpernel, shepherd’s purse, smooth sowthistle, common field and ivy-leaved speedwell (for full list see label)
Maximum individual dose4.0 litres per hectare
Maximum total dose4.0 litres per hectare
Latest time of applicationBefore third tiller stage (GS 23) of the crop. Do not apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November.
Water volume200 litres per hectare
Aquatic buffer zoneLERAP B

Why Shooter?

Shooter® has been found to give the best start to black-grass programmes, providing the crucial flufenacet partner as well as pendimethalin.

Shooter® is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 60 g/l flufenacet and 300 g/l pendimethalin. This herbicide has particular strength pre-emergence for the control of black-grass.

The flufenacet component in Shooter® provides the cornerstone for grass weed control whilst the pendimethalin component provides control of the key broad-leaved weeds: chickweed, poppy, mayweed, ivy and common leaved speedwell.

Pendimethalin complements the grass weed activity of flufenacet by providing strong residual control of later germinating weeds.

For best results with pre-emergence applications:

  • Timing is crucial. Spray within 48 hours of drilling ideally on to moist, clod-free and consolidated seedbeds where seed is adequately covered by a suitable depth of settled soil
  • Where drainage, seedbeds and seed depth are good Shooter® can be applied pre-emergence until the end of November. After which, apply Shooter® at one leaf of the crop, to minimise risk of crop damage by heavy rainfall

Excellent control of black-grass

In trials, the effectiveness of Shooter® was tested against Liberator®. Results showed a 9% reduction in black-grass headcount control relative to Liberator®.

Shooter® has been found to give the best start to black-grass programmes, providing the crucial flufenacet partner, as well as pendimethalin.

Shooter® is the best start for ryegrass control

Source: Data from BASF and independent trails

Control of Ryegrass & Brome

A pre and post-emergence spray programme is needed for best control of ryegrass and brome. Pendimethalin and flufenacet are two of the strongest pre-emergence actives, with pendimethalin having the best residual properties for these weeds. Having a strong pre-emergence active allows more flexibility for post-emergence follow-up.
