Stomp® Aqua

Stomp® Aqua is a herbicide for the control of annual-grass and broad-leaved weeds in a wide range of crops.

Stomp® Aqua

Stomp® Aqua is a herbicide for the control of annual-grass and broad-leaved weeds in a wide range of crops.


  • Efficacy against a wide range of annual grass and annual broad-leaved weeds minimising the number of different herbicide products needed
  • Long lasting residual activity means weeds are controlled for longer periods farmer is free to do other jobs and be confident there is still herbicide activity

Product Details

Active ingredient(s)455 g/l pendimethalin
FormulationCapsule suspension (CS)
Pack size10 litres in outers of two
CropsSpring barley, winter barley, transplanted brassicas, carrots, bush fruit, cane fruit, top fruit, leeks, forage and grain maize, bulb onions, parsnips, combining peas, potatoes, winter rye, strawberries, sunflowers, triticale, durum wheat and winter wheat
Weed spectrumAnnual and rough meadow grass and a wide range of broad-leaved weeds (see label)
Maximum individual dose: Forage and grain maize3.3 litres per hectare
Maximum individual dose: All other crops2.9 litres per hectare
Maximum number of treatments: Fruit cropsOne per year
Maximum number of treatments: All other cropsOne per crop
Latest time of applicationVaries per crop: see label
Water volume: Potatoes200 litres per hectare
Water volume: All other crops100-200 litres per hectare
Aquatic buffer zoneLERAP B
Processed cropsBefore using Stomp® Aqua on crops to be processed please consult your processor
Active ingredient(s)455 g/l pendimethalin
FormulationCapsule suspension (CS)
Pack size10 litres in outers of two
CropsSpring barley, winter barley, transplanted brassicas, carrots, bush fruit, cane fruit, top fruit, leeks, forage and grain maize, bulb onions, parsnips, combining peas, potatoes, winter rye, strawberries, sunflowers, triticale, durum wheat and winter wheat
Weed spectrumAnnual and rough meadow grass and a wide range of broad-leaved weeds (see label)
Maximum individual dose: Forage and grain maize3.3 litres per hectare
Maximum individual dose: All other crops2.9 litres per hectare
Maximum number of treatments: Fruit cropsOne per year
Maximum number of treatments: All other cropsOne per crop
Latest time of applicationVaries per crop: see label
Water volume: Potatoes200 litres per hectare
Water volume: All other crops100-200 litres per hectare
Aquatic buffer zoneLERAP B
Processed cropsBefore using Stomp® Aqua on crops to be processed please consult your processor

Why Stomp Aqua?

Stomp® Aqua is the best pendimethalin for the job.

The time saved whilst prepping with Stomp Aqua for 100 ha could allow you to spray approximately 17 ha extra, compared to Anthem or 22.5 ha extra compared to Most Micro.*

*Extrapolated from NIAB TAG trials.

Stomp Aqua shows increased control compared to Most Micro and Anthem (Winter Wheat)

BASF trials 2014/15 (n=2 WW), untreated black-grass mean 148 pl/m2

pre-ems applied mid Oct – mid-Nov

All treatments followed by the same post-em

Quick cleaning, saves you time

Stomp® Aqua leaves less residue in the container which means it is quicker to rinse clean.

After emptying the containers of product into the induction hopper, Stomp® Aqua leaves only a very thin coating inside the container compared with Anthem and Most Micro.

Stomp® Aqua uses BASF Eco-Pack

Stomp® Aqua is packaged in the BASF Eco-Pack which helps to speed up the rinsing process.

  • Central opening
  • Flexible handle
  • No foil seals
  • Embossed logo
  • Gripping surface
  • Mono-material
  • Lightweight design
