AgCelence® benefits

AgCelence® products provide a range of physiological benefits:
Higher yield, better stress tolerance, increased production efficiency
and improved marketable quality.

How does this work? For example, one of the active ingredients in AgCelence® products inhibits
respiration in both fungus and plant. Consequently, the fungus dies.

Once your planning and input decisions are made, the biggest challenge is to safeguard yields
and quality throughout the growing season. Growers need additional tools to overcome these abiotic

This is where AgCelence® can help. AgCelence® products provide proven yield and quality benefits
for many of the crops you grow. Soybeans, tomatoes and corn are just some examples.

In various crop trials, BASF AgCelence® products led to higher yield, superior quality,
more efficient crop production or better stress management.

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