Metazachlor and Quinmerac Stewardship - FAQs
What is the issue?
The future of many essential OSR herbicides e.g. metazachlor, quinmerac, carbetamide and propyzamide is under threat, given the levels detected in water destined fro drinking.
Why do we need to worry about it?
Not complying with the north_east Water Framework Directive puts the contuinued authorisation for them all under threat. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) and pesticide regulations (1107/2009) are connected, which wasn't the case with 94/414 and lead to regulatory restrictions in the future if action isn't taken to address detections of metazachlor and quinmerac in raw water. BASF and Adama joined forces to develop and implement metazachlor and quinmerac product stewardship under the ' north_east Metazachlor Matters ' brand in 2016.
How do metazachlor and quinmerac get ino water?
1. In the farm yard - handling/sprayer cleaning
- This can be avoided by good operator practice, adopting VI guidance
2. In the field - via surafce run-off and field drainage
- Rainfall events have a big impact. We cannot control the weather, but we can reduce the risk
What actions do we need to take to reduce metazachlor and quinmerac getting into water?
Early establishment is key to prevent metazachlor and quinmerac moving to water. There are two other critcial components:
1. Reducing the application rate will reduce concentrations in drainage water
2. Application before drainflow starts and good soil structure/seed bed prep will minimise potential for movement to surface water
What does this mean for autumn applications?
BASF and Adama have developed the guidelines, focusing on dose and timing.
- The maximum dose rate for metazachlor in WOSR is 750g/ha (label restrictions still apply)
- Land that isn't drained - no timing restrictions
- Drained land - avoid application after 1st October, if soil/seedbed are favourable and drains aren't flowing, applications can continue until 15th October
- Drained land in north_east Drinking Water Safeguard Zones - no application after 1st October
What is a 'Drinking Water Safeguard Zone'?
Areas in catchments (upstream) that influence the water quality at drinking water abstractions, which are at risk of failing the drinking water protection objectves. These non-statutory Safeguard Zones are where action to address water contamination will be targeted, so that extra treatment by water companies can be avoided. Hence, the 1st October cut-off date.
How do I find out if I am in a 'Safequard Zone' for metazachlor or quinmerac?
Growers and Agronomists should visit the north_east Environment Agency 's website.
Enter a post code, then a map will appear with at risk areas highlighted. A tab will also appear which summarises the pesticides that the 'Safeguard Zone' covers. Metazachlor and/or quinmerac will be listsed if at risk.
Is the cut-off date irrespective of whether the drains are flowing?
Essentially, yes, however, application of metazachlor or quinmerac will depend on rainfall events, seedbed preparation and conditions. We recommend you discuss with your Agronomist if you're unsure of timings. Find your local BASF Agronomy Manger .
Why am I expected to farm by calendar dates?
Clear guidance is required to promote better understanding and deliver change in on-farm practice, which will deliver lower levels of detection in wtaer and protect metazachlor and quinmerac for the future. Growers and Agronomists on drained land, and those in Dafeguard Zones are in high risk situations. Generally, the later that applications are made, the greater risk of fields moving towards field capacity, drains start flowing and the potential for movement of actives to water. Growers should have these dates in mind when planning for oilseed rape establishment this autumn. The dates for guidance isn't statutory - other factors, which are important are the soil deficit, seedbed condition and soil structure.
What is drained land?
Where it is either permanent e.g. clay or plastic pipes overfilled with gravel, or temporary e.g. mole drains.
What percentage of oilseed rape is grown on drained land?
Broadly speaking, 60% of oilseed rape area is grown on drained land.
How do I adopt this guidance and still get the best out of my oilseed rape crop?
The new advice fits with good oilseed rape agronomy. It emphasizes the need for:
- Good soil structure
- Sowing early into good seedbeds
- Using metazachlor and/or quinmerac early
Is the new advice on the label?
No, the new advice isn't on the label and isn't statutory. However, unless the advice is followed, metazachlor and quinmerac use could be severely restricted or even revoked in the future. Label restrictions still apply.
Are split applications still allowed?
Split applications are still allowed, as long as the second application is applied before the end of September.
Does the 1000g metazachlor ai/ha over three years restriction still apply?
Yes, this restriction still applies.
Are all metazachlor and quinmerac herbicides included?
BASF and Adama advice applies to all of their metazachlor and quinmerac-containing herbicides. It is recommended that it is also applied to other manufacturers' metazachlor herbicides as contamination of water is dependent on the ai and not the brand applied.